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متن مورد نظر خود را جستجو کنید
  • تاریخ انتشار : 1401/09/24 - 08:14
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 482
  • زمان مطالعه : کمتر از یک دقیقه

Technique of simultaneous femtosecond laser assisted Myoring implantation and accelerated intrastromal collagen cross-linking for management of progressive keratoconus: A novel technique

Simultaneous femtosecond laser-assisted Myoring implantation and accelerated corneal intrastromal collagen cross-linking with Dextran Free Riboflavin is a safe and effective technique for management of keratoconus and improving vision.

Technique of simultaneous femtosecond laser assisted Myoring implantation and accelerated intrastromal collagen cross-linking fo
Purpose: To describe a novel surgical technique for the management of progressive keratoconus by simultaneous femtosecond laser-assisted Myoring implantation and accelerated corneal intrastromal collagen cross-linking with Dextran Free Riboflavin.
Methods: After creating a corneal pocket with femtosecond laser, Dextran Free Riboflavin was injected into the intrastromal pocket. Then the Myoring was implanted in the corneal pocket and accelerated corneal intrastromal collagen cross-linking was performed with no epithelial debridement.
Results: The cornea remained clear and the central keratometry was decreased significantly with marked improvement in uncorrected visual acuity up to two years following treatment. Anterior segment OCT revealed good centration and intended implant depth with desirable increase in the corneal stromal reflectivity confirming effective collagen cross-linking.
Conclusion: Simultaneous femtosecond laser-assisted Myoring implantation and accelerated corneal intrastromal collagen cross-linking with Dextran Free Riboflavin is a safe and effective technique for management of keratoconus and improving vision.
Keywords: Corneal cross-linking; Intracorneal implant; Keratoconus; MyoRing.
  • گروه خبری : مقالات
  • کد خبر : 223346
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