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SMILE Surgery: A Leap Forward in Laser Eye Surgery
SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) surgery is one of the newest and most advanced laser eye surgery procedures to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Due to its numerous advantages and shorter recovery time compared to traditional methods like LASIK, it has gained significant popularity.
How is SMILE performed?
In SMILE surgery, a surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to create a very thin disc of corneal tissue. This disc is then removed through a small incision in the cornea. By removing this disc, the shape of the cornea is changed, and light focuses correctly on the retina.
Benefits of SMILE surgery
Very small incision: Due to the very small incision, the risk of infection and side effects is reduced.
Shorter recovery time: Due to less damage to the cornea, the recovery time is shorter compared to LASIK.
High precision: The femtosecond laser has very high precision, allowing the surgeon to achieve more accurate results.
Improved night vision: Many patients report improved night vision after SMILE surgery.
Post-SMILE surgery care
After SMILE surgery, it is essential to follow some care instructions to achieve the best results. These include:
Regular use of eye drops: Your doctor will prescribe eye drops that should be used regularly and as directed. These drops help to relieve dry eyes, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection.
Avoid rubbing your eyes: Avoid rubbing your eyes for several weeks after surgery.
Protect your eyes: Wear protective eyewear when sleeping to prevent eye injury during sleep.
Avoid strenuous activities: Avoid strenuous activities, heavy exercise, and swimming for a few days after surgery.
Regular follow-up visits: Attend follow-up appointments with your doctor as scheduled to monitor your progress.
Potential side effects
Like any surgery, SMILE surgery may be associated with some side effects. These are usually temporary and include:
Dry eyes: Dry eyes are one of the most common side effects after SMILE surgery.
Light sensitivity: You may be more sensitive to light after surgery.
Blurred vision: You may experience temporary blurred vision in the first few days after surgery.
Halos and glare: You may see halos or glare around lights.
Although SMILE surgery is very safe, it is essential to consult with a specialist before deciding to have this procedure done to ensure that it is right for you.

Endophthalmitis: A Serious Eye Infection

Endophthalmitis is an infection of the clear fluids inside your eye. This infection can cause serious damage because it directly affects the tissues inside your eye. That's why it's important to prevent it, and if it does happen, to diagnose and treat it quickly. Endophthalmitis is a serious condition that can lead to vision loss if not treated promptly. If you experience any symptoms of endophthalmitis, seek medical attention immediately.

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