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Farabi Hospital Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory: Any sample or tissue taken from operating rooms or clinics from patients must be examined in the pathology laboratory to determine whether it is cancerous or non-cancerous. Our colleagues in this laboratory prepare samples from the tissue in question and, after examination, send the report to the relevant ophthalmologist.
Clinical Laboratory: Patients either visit this laboratory as outpatients, or blood, urine, or ocular fluid samples are sent from various departments to this unit. In this laboratory, tests such as anemia, serology, complement system, sugar, urea, creatinine, or other analytes required by the physician are measured. In the microbiology laboratory, all culture and smear samples are examined to determine the causative agent of infection. There is also a blood bank in this laboratory that provides the necessary blood products to the department and the patient.
The equipment of these laboratories includes Tissue Processor, Cell Counter Sysmex, Auto Coagulation Analyzer, Auto Analyzer, and other up-to-date laboratory devices.
Farabi Hospital Laboratory has also successfully obtained a one-year certificate from the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization in the field of establishing a system for monitoring and supervising the consumption of blood and products (hemovigilance).

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