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Emergency Department

Farabi Eye Hospital's Emergency Ophthalmology Department: Safeguarding Your Vision

Farabi Hospital, a leading scientific center for ophthalmology in the country, has always been at the forefront of providing the highest quality emergency eye care services. The hospital's Emergency Ophthalmology Department, with its experienced medical staff, advanced equipment, and patient-centered approach, serves as the frontline in preserving and improving patients' vision.

The primary mission of the Emergency Ophthalmology Department at Farabi Hospital is to provide rapid and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients with acute eye injuries and diseases. The department aims to:

  • Provide primary care: Offer initial care to patients with acute eye injuries, such as those caused by accidents, burns, foreign bodies in the eye, etc.
  • Rapid disease diagnosis: Quickly diagnose vision-threatening eye diseases such as acute glaucoma, macular edema, etc.
  • Reduce complications from injuries: Minimize complications arising from eye injuries and prevent blindness.
  • Education and information dissemination: Educate the community about the importance of eye care and ways to prevent eye injuries.
  • Collaboration with other departments: Collaborate closely with other departments of the hospital to provide comprehensive patient care.

The vision of the Emergency Ophthalmology Department at Farabi Hospital is to become a national and international referral center for eye emergencies. To achieve this vision, the department strives to:

  • Improve the quality of services: Enhance the quality of emergency eye care services by updating equipment and increasing the knowledge of medical staff.
  • Reduce waiting times: Reduce patient waiting times by implementing efficient patient management systems.
  • Expand services: Expand emergency eye care services by offering new and more specialized services.
  • Collaborate with other centers: Collaborate with other medical and research centers to exchange knowledge and experiences.

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