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Farabi Hospital Arman Ward
We, the staff of the Arman Ward at Farabi Hospital, strive to provide you with the best possible healthcare services in the fields of diagnosis, treatment, and care, in the shortest possible time and with the highest level of satisfaction. This ward consists of 6 rooms and 25 active beds.
Ward Facilities
 * Changing room: Rooms 5 and 6
 * Waiting area: Rooms 1 to 4
 * Toilet facilities (Western and Eastern toilets and shower): end of the main corridor, left side
 * Prayer room: opposite Room 2
 * Water cooler: opposite Room 3
Ward Hours and Contact Information
 * The Arman Ward at Farabi Hospital operates from 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM.
 * The ward supervisor is available from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM.
 * Shift supervisors are available from 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
 * You can contact the ward staff by calling the nurse call button located above each bed.
Ward Staff Dress Code
 * Female nurses: Wear a full navy blue uniform.
 * Male nurses: Wear a white uniform.
 * Aides: Wear a full white uniform.
 * Assistant aides: Wear a full beige uniform.
 * Ward secretary: Wears a sky blue and pencil gray uniform.
 * Service staff: Wear a gray and dark blue uniform.
Patient Admission Procedures
 * Upon admission, our nursing staff will explain to you the following:
   * Hygiene guidelines
   * Handwashing procedures
   * The Patient's Bill of Rights
   * Information about the identification bracelet, which is used to identify the patient
   * Visiting hours
Important Safety and Hygiene Guidelines for Patients
 * The direction of the Qibla (the direction in which Muslims face when praying) is indicated on the ceiling of the prayer room. Prayer mats and Qur'ans are available in the prayer room.
 * If you need a wheelchair or bed ladder to get up and down from the bed, our staff will be happy to assist you.
 * A nurse call button is located above each bed. If you need assistance, press the button and our nursing staff will come to your bedside.
 * For the safety of patients, please ensure that the safety rail is up when you are resting in bed. If you need assistance using the toilet, please pull down the emergency call handle.
 * It is mandatory to bring personal and hygienic items such as (clean face mask, hand sanitizer, cup, spoon and fork, paper towels, thermos of tea, etc.).
 * The emergency exit route is marked with green signs and is located at the end of the main corridor.
 * When entering the ward, please bring one healthy, sane, adult, and preferably same-sex companion. Please refrain from bringing watches, jewelry, and valuables to the hospital. Please do not wear dentures before entering the operating room.
 * Patients under the age of 18 and patients with mental and intellectual disabilities must have the consent of a guardian or parent for surgery.
 * Household waste should be disposed of in blue bins and hospital waste (contaminated with patient secretions, clothing, and bracelets) in yellow bins.
 * Please refrain from smoking due to the inconvenience, air pollution, and fire hazard.

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